The Oak Grove Cemetery
St. Paul's Community Church
Address: 2167 State Route 268
Chicora, PA 16025
Phone: (724) 445 - 3834 (church office)
Fee Schedule (as of June 2021)
All fees are subject to change without notice.
Purchasing of Grave(s)
Full Plot (4 graves) - $1600
One Half Plot (2 graves) - $900
Single Grave (1 grave) - $500
Opening/Closing of Grave
Single Grave - $600
Sunday/Holiday - $900
Cremation - $200
Sunday/ Holiday - $450
Full Plot (4 graves) - $1600
One Half Plot (2 graves) - $900
Single Grave (1 grave) - $500
Opening/Closing of Grave
Single Grave - $600
Sunday/Holiday - $900
Cremation - $200
Sunday/ Holiday - $450
Rules & Regulations
Regulated and composed by the Board of Trustees.
- No one shall be admitted to the cemetery for purposes of doing work without the consent of the Board of Trustees or their representative.
- No grave shall be dug before consulting the Financial Secretary or his/her alternate.
- Vaults must be of a non-decaying material such as steel, concrete, fiberglass, etc. Wood is not permitted.
- All memorial stones shall be erected and all lot improvements made under the supervision of the Board of Trustees. Bottom of the hole for the foundation must be level and the corners must be square. All memorial stones must meet the following foundation specifications:
- Four (4) Grave Lot: minimum of 24" deep, maximum of 18" wide, combined length of 8'
- Two (2) Grave Lot: minimum of 24" deep, maximum of 18" wide, combined length of 4' 6"
- One (1) Grave Lot: minimum of 24" deep, maximum of 18" wide, combined length of 3'
- No trees, shrubs, plants, or other annuals shall be planted without the consent of the Board of Trustees. All flowers must be planted in the ground and be no wider than the monument and extend no more than 18" in front of the monument. If no monument is present, maximum width is 18" and maximum length is 30" per grave.
- If any monument, marker, effigy, structure or inscription placed on any lot shall be deemed improper or offensive by the Board of Trustees, it shall be their right and duty to remove it.
- Damage done to the cemetery shall be repaired under the supervision of the Board of Trustees and the expenses borne by the person or persons who caused the damage.
- No one shall be permitted to bury on any lot that has not been paid in full.
- Lots are not transferable but upon request may be redeemed by the Board of Trustees.
- Each lot shall be subject to the provision of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The laws, the charter of the Oak Grove Cemetery, its by-laws, rules and regulations, now in force or that may be adopted by the government of Oak Grove Cemetery.
- All winter decorations and plants must be removed by the second week of March. All summer decorations and plants must be removed during the last week of October. Those decorations and plants not removed by the low owner will be removed by the cemetery's caretaker.
- Off-road recreational vehicles are not permitted on cemetery property.
- The Board of Trustees is directed to enforce all of the above rules and regulations. In case any lot owner should violate any rule or regulation and refuse to make proper amends, the Board of Trustees reserve the right to refuse any further use of the unoccupied portion of the lot.
All Cemetery Photos taken by @pghtyler