Vacation Bible School: Running For The Prize
6PM - 8PM
6PM - 8PM
Kids For Christ (KFC)
Grades: K - 5
A Children's Ministry for grades K-5th grade is held on the 2nd Sunday of the month (following worship-1 pm) . There will be food, games, songs, Bible stories and TONS of fun! This is a GREAT time to invite your friends!
Meeting Recap: After a DELICIOUS lunch along with the Kingdom Warriors (Youth Group). We learned about FAITH. We learned how faith was belief without not always seeing. We talked about the faith of Father Abraham when he was called to show that God was the most important to him (even be willing to sacrifice Isaac before God rescued him - Genesis 22:11-12).
Upcoming Meetings/Events: TBA
Meeting Recap: After a DELICIOUS lunch along with the Kingdom Warriors (Youth Group). We learned about FAITH. We learned how faith was belief without not always seeing. We talked about the faith of Father Abraham when he was called to show that God was the most important to him (even be willing to sacrifice Isaac before God rescued him - Genesis 22:11-12).
Upcoming Meetings/Events: TBA
Shoebox Children's Sermon
On each Sunday's worship service, we include a children sermon, led by Pastor Frank, to those in Preschool- 6th grade. Children take turns taking home this pictured shoebox and bring it back with an item inside the box and make sure not to let Pastor Frank know what's inside the shoebox prior to the children sermon. We believe that everything can be used to tell about God, His love and/or our response. We've experienced many "unique" things in the box.
Pastor Frank's rules for the shoebox:
1) The item can not nor ever have been alive (no animals, roadkill, etc.)
2) Nothing with eight-legs nor something that will "jump" out of the box.
3) If it is TOO BIG to fit in the box--a picture is acceptable.
4) Know what it is and/or its purpose--and either you or adult be willing to share about it.
It's fun to try to stump Pastor Frank! Many have tried, but none have been successful yet!
Pastor Frank's rules for the shoebox:
1) The item can not nor ever have been alive (no animals, roadkill, etc.)
2) Nothing with eight-legs nor something that will "jump" out of the box.
3) If it is TOO BIG to fit in the box--a picture is acceptable.
4) Know what it is and/or its purpose--and either you or adult be willing to share about it.
It's fun to try to stump Pastor Frank! Many have tried, but none have been successful yet!